business plan

Business plan: what it is and how to write one in 9 steps

Business plans are essential tools, not just for entrepreneurs seeking investment but also for strategizing and evaluating new ventures or growth initiatives. Learn how to create a compelling business plan with our comprehensive guide.

An effective business plan articulates your strategy, identifies potential obstacles, details necessary resources, and evaluates the feasibility of your ideas and growth plans before launching a business. While not every successful enterprise starts with a formal plan, many founders find significant value in the process. Crafting a business plan offers an opportunity to pause, research your concept and market, and grasp the strategy underlying your approach.

Our step-by-step guide will teach you how to write a business plan, offering tips for maximizing its impact and examples to inspire your journey.

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a strategic document detailing a company’s goals, the methods for achieving them, and the timeline for success. It includes elements such as market analysis, financial projections, and organizational structure, serving as both a roadmap for growth and a tool for securing funding.

Financial institutions and investors often require a business plan before providing funding. Even without seeking external funding, a well-crafted plan guides your business as it scales.

Key Components of a Business Plan

Creating a business plan highlights your company’s strategy and objectives. It comprises several essential components that together map the path to success.

Business Plan
Business plan

Your business plan should include:

  1. Executive Summary: A concise overview of your entire plan.
  2. Company Description: An explanation of your business’s purpose and uniqueness.
  3. Market Analysis: Research on your industry, target market, and competitors.
  4. Organization and Management: Details about your business structure and leadership team.
  5. Products or Services: A description of what you offer and its benefits to customers.
  6. Customer Segmentation: A breakdown of your target market into distinct groups.
  7. Marketing and Sales Plan: Strategies for promoting and selling your offerings.
  8. Logistics and Operations: An overview of daily operations and resource management.
  9. Financials: A comprehensive look at projected income, expenses, and funding requirements.

Crafting a Business Plan in 9 Steps

Few tasks are as daunting as staring at a blank page. The best way to kick off your business plan is by creating a structured outline that highlights the key components of each section. This approach sets a solid foundation for your plan.

Recognizing the importance of an outline, we’ve compiled a high-level overview to guide you and help you avoid the intimidation of a blank page. Once your business plan template is ready, you can begin to fill it out. We’ve broken it down by section to assist you in building your plan step by step.

Create an Executive Summary

The executive summary is a pivotal section of your business plan, yet it should be the last section you write. It provides a condensed overview of the detailed elements that follow, offering busy reviewers—such as potential investors and lenders—a high-level snapshot that entices them to delve deeper.

Though it’s a summary, focus on the key insights gathered during your planning process. If the plan is solely for your use, you might skip this, though drafting one could still offer valuable practice.

resume writing
Resume writing

Keep the executive summary to a single page. This constraint can be challenging, but it’s achievable. Your executive summary should encompass:

  1. Business concept: What does your business do?
  2. Business goals and vision: What objectives does your business aim to achieve?
  3. Product Description and differentiation: What do you offer, and how is it unique?
  4. Target market: Who are your customers?
  5. Marketing strategy: How will you reach your audience?
  6. Current financial state: What is your current revenue?
  7. Projected financial state: What are your anticipated earnings?
  8. The ask: How much funding are you seeking?
  9. The team: Who is involved in your business?

Develop a Company Description

This section emphasizes crafting a company description that answers “Who are you?” and “What do you intend to achieve?” It highlights the importance of articulating business principles, ideals, structure, model, industry, vision, mission, and goals.

Defining brand values involves considering stakeholders and setting SMART goals for both short- and long-term objectives. Vision and mission statements should clearly convey the business’s purpose and intended impact, with the mission statement being concise and the vision statement being impactful yet succinct.

Conduct a Market Analysis

Market analysis is crucial for any business plan, impacting your success by choosing the right market and timing. Your analysis should estimate your market size, assess your position, and survey competition. Use independent data for market potential and, understand your ideal customer profile industry trends, and make informed assumptions.

Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and present it visually. Competitive analysis involves factors like cost leadership, differentiation, and segmentation. Even with an innovative product, include a competitive overview highlighting how you’ll differentiate your offerings.

Outline the Management and Organization

The management and organization section of your business plan should introduce the leadership of your company. Clearly outline the legal structure, specifying whether you will incorporate as an S corporation, establish a limited partnership, or operate as a sole proprietorship.

Management and Organization
Management and organization

If you have a management team, include an organizational chart that illustrates the internal structure, detailing the roles, responsibilities, and interrelationships. Explain how each member contributes to the success of your startup.

List Your Products and Services

Include a dedicated section in your business plan to highlight your products or services, providing key details for readers. Offer general information for broad product lines or detailed descriptions for a smaller range. Describe upcoming products and intellectual property and how they boost profitability. Specify product sourcing, noting differences like handmade crafts versus dropshipping items.

Conduct Customer Segmentation

Understanding your ideal customer is vital for your marketing strategy and business plan. Create a detailed buyer persona by considering demographics such as location, age, education, behavior, and values. This profile helps tailor your strategy to meet the specific needs of your target audience, ensuring decisions align with their interests and purchasing habits.

Develop a Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan
Marketing plan

Align your marketing efforts with your ideal customer by ensuring your strategies focus on reaching your target audience effectively. Evaluate whether platforms like Instagram or TikTok are suitable for your audience. A comprehensive marketing plan should cover four key areas: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place. While promotion might take up much of the plan, each area is crucial for a strategic marketing mix.

Develop a Logistics and Operations Plan

Logistics and operations are vital for turning a business idea into reality, covering suppliers, production, facilities, equipment, shipping, and inventory. This section of a business plan ensures a solid grasp of the supply chain and prepares for uncertainties, aiding critical decisions like pricing and breaking even. Even for personal use, it’s essential to outline these workflows.

Create a Financial Plan

A business’s survival depends on its financial health, making it essential to maintain comprehensive financial statements. This includes an income statement for revenue and expenses, a balance sheet for assets and liabilities, and a cash flow statement to track cash movement.

These documents, supported by financial data and projections, are crucial for demonstrating long-term viability to stakeholders. A spreadsheet template can aid in creating these statements, which help identify financial health and inform necessary adjustments.